Movie Roundup
The past week I've watched at lot of things - a performance of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night (at the Fremont Troll), highlights from the Live 8 concerts, Fourth of July fireworks, and lots of movies. I've been disappointed with a lot of movies that I've seen in the past month or so (e.g. Spiderman 2, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou), but everything I watched the past week was good.
Man on Fire stars Denzel Washington as Creasy, a bodyguard in Mexico. I like Denzel Washington; he's a good actor and this movie is no exception. The start of the story is about the evolution of Creasy's character and his relationship with the young girl that he's guarding. While the later part of the movie is the "action" part. Overall I liked the movie, but at nearly two and half hours it couldn't quite keep my attention. So it only gets 3 out of 5 stars.
Somehow I've avoid watching all the Batman movies. Perhaps it's because they have a bad reputation, but I've heard good things about Batman Begins. So I went to see it on Sunday. I'm not quite sure how to describe it while keeping it brief and not giving anything away. So I'll just say go see it because it is good - 4 stars out of 5.
I saw Revenge of the Sith right after it came out. But I love Star Wars, so I went to see it again before it left the theatres. The second time around it was just as good - 5 of 5 stars.
On Wednesday, I went to see an advance screening of the Fantastic Four. (Despite my earlier praise of Batman Begins), I tend not to enjoy superhero movies too much. However, Fantastic Four is entertaining and funny. Perhaps it is a little short and doesn't have a lot of action sequences, but after three long movies, short and sweet is a good thing. So I'll give it 4 stars out of 5.
National Treasure is the most recent Nicholas Cage movie. I think that he is a little like John Travolta in that both of them overact. I can't recall a single John Travolta performance that I liked, but for some reason I seem to enjoy all the Nicholas Cage movies that I see. In National Treasure, Cage plays an adventurer who is looking for a treasure hidden by the Founding Fathers (of the US). I found the movie to be a bit hokey and predictable. (The story probably isn't that original either, e.g. Lara Croft, Indiana Jones, etc.). However, I enjoyed it. So I'll overlook my complaints and give it 4 stars out of 5 also.
In National Treasure they clearly state that fifty-five men signed the Declaration of Independence. In a strange twist of fate the very day after I saw the movie, I came across the book The Signers : The 56 Stories Behind the Declaration of Independence at work. Perhaps Disney needs better fact checkers?
dude, are you sure you don't have the 8-movies-at-once netflix subscription? you watch more movies than ram.
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