Thursday, March 18, 2004


I'm glad this week is (basically) over. It has seemed really long. Perhaps because I've been so busy. Four days of class, two days of night class, a BBQ at Daniel & Andrew's, going to Moose Winooski's with Arun and Martin, plus homework = a lot of stuff and a lot of driving around...Oh I forgot the Brian Kernighan lecture that was this afternoon (What Should an Educated Person Know about Computers?). I found it interesting and he is a pretty good speaker. Perhaps it wasn't totally educational though as it was just a summary of a class he teaches at Princeton to inform arts students about what computers are, how they work, how pervasive they are, what contemporary issues involve computers, etc. (Being a Computer Science major I know all that stuff). Nevertheless, it was entertaining. I think more people came today than for the Aho talk back in January too.

Just one more class tomorrow before the weekend. (I want to go see The Corporation at Princess Cinema...)

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