Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Website aims to educate Americans about Canada [Globe & Mail]:

Oh sure, you hear about how everyone plays hockey in Canada, gets to the rink by dogsled and then goes home to an igloo.

But many myths about Canadians that circulate in the United States aren't nearly so silly or harmless.


For the record, I don't own a dogsled or igloo (and, in fact, have never used either). Similarly, I don't know Jimmy, Sally, or Suzy.

Hockey is practically a religion though.


Ryan said...

Do you have a photo of idiot string? :-)

Anonymous said...

Suor, I'm insulted. Oh shoot, you even have an image. Can't argue with you anymore. Why didn't you take a picture of my condo? Hmmm
Ryan, can you punch him for me? Thanks.
-- Michelle

Ryan said...

Done. :-)

Anonymous said...

thanks ryan! did he cry or bleed? j/k
- Michelle