Saturday, March 04, 2006

Funny Links

  • Real-Life Recreation of The Simpsons Intro (via Funkaoshi).

  • Calvin & Hobbes: Writer's Block

  • $39-Dollar Experiment (via Metafilter): I was sitting around one day, skimming through a pile of bills that I needed to pay. I looked over at a new, unopened roll of stamps that I had sitting in front of me, and I thought to myself, "$39... for a roll of stamps? Geez... You can't get much for $39 nowadays. Or can you...?" ... I decided I was going to try something — I was going to take my roll of stamps and send 100 letters to 100 different companies, asking for free stuff.

    For example,

    Dear Sir or Madam:
    I have to tell you – I love your chicken. It's the best fried chicken around. The breading... I could eat a bucket full of just the breading. Breading and skin. That's the ticket! Anyway, your chicken is outstanding. If I weren't afraid of being arrested, I'd go to KFC to lick other people's fingers – that's how much I like your chicken. Please send me a coupon for a free chicken, so that I do not have to resort to licking strangers' fingers. Thank you in advance,
    Tom Locke, fried chicken enthusiast

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