Web Services
I transfered to the Web Services group at the start of October. It's a little strange to not know what I'm doing, anyone I work with, or anything about where I work (as it's in a different building in a different part of town). It's kind of like the start of a co-op work term all over again. I think I needed a change of scenery though and I'm excited to try out something new.
The people I work with seem nice enough and I'm slowly figuring out the project (which has a lot of subtle points). The location of the office isn't very good (no Tully's; not much in way of lunch choice) and the bus service reminds me way too much of living in Kanata - infrequent, indirect, and has an inconsistent schedule. What distinguishes Seattle from Kanata, however, is that it is unreliable, which is quite impressive!? (Disappointing!?) [Recall that I live in downtown and I work in downtown; whereas Kanata is the suburbs of the suburbs...]. The office does have great views though. I'll have to bring my camera to work some day and take a few shots of the Seattle skyline.
In case you don't know what Web Services are all about, the articles Amazon Web Services and Extending Web Services Using Other Web Services from Linux Journal should give a sense of why they are all the rage. (Although, what's described in the articles isn't really at all what I do, so don't read too much into them! :-).
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