How to Do What You Love
How to Do What You Love is an thought-provoking essay by Paul Graham. [Via Funkaoshi].
Finding work you love is very difficult. Most people fail. Even if you succeed, it's rare to be free to work on what you want till your thirties or forties. But if you have the destination in sight you'll be more likely to arrive at it. If you know you can love work, you're in the home stretch, and if you know what work you love, you're practically there.
Right now there are things I like about my work, but there are also things I really hate. So I don't think I'm doing what I love. I'm not even sure that my destination is in sight yet. I guess this is something else that I'll need to reflect upon. (e.g. If I decide to go to grad school, applications for fall 2007 are more or less due this fall).
Sounds like you had a rough weekend.
What do you love to do? What would you be willing to do to make you happy for the rest of your days? Not work-wise, but what brings you joy? I think once you discover that, then you need to find ways to make it pay. I don't think you find work you love. You find things you love and then make them work for you.
Just a thought.
As always, have a good week :-)
I know how you feel. I have mixed feelings about what to do next as well.
Ironically, it wasn't too bad when I wrote that post. Last night was an adventure though.
Yeah. Despite from PG says, I'm not sure there are many jobs that are lovable. The company is just an automata that is often irrationale and selfish. They don't really care about your self-actualization or your happiness. What do you do Amanda? Do you like/love your work?
Tomorrow is my mental health day. I will enjoy it. It sound make my week better. :-)
Ram, are you gonna go back to school? If so, you better let me know 'cause I can't let you have all the fun! [e.g. It took two grad students to make won't have a quorum without me! ;-)]
Hi Ryan, Life got in the way and I just was now able to check in and see how life was treating you. Fire alarms again? Good Grief. Anyway...
I work for a large computer reseller company in Atlanta. I don't love what I do, but I do enjoy it. I am working on doing what I do love and working towards that brings me great satisfaction in itself, knowing that its not far off. I do understand your mixed feelings, I went throught that prior to a trip to Europe. I had a revelation that to spend my life working at something that made me miserable is STUPID. I should be doing things to make me feel happy, or at least working towards something that makes me happy.
In anycase, youre still young and what you love may change as you get older. I wouldn't worry to much about doing what you love for the rest of your life. I would just figure out what you love now and go from there.
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