Monday, March 22, 2004

Four Movies

On average, I'm 3 weeks behind in reading for my classes and there are less than 2 weeks left in term. However, instead of catching up on all that work, I watched a bunch of movies this weekend:

Bourne Identity is really great action movie. It is fast paced and a little suspenseful since you don't really know what is going on (Jason Bourne has amnesia, but seems to be some kind of spy/assassin and people that he can't remember are chasing him across Europe). One of the better movies I've seen in a long time.

Runaway Jury is a decent movie. Perhaps a little slow at times and I felt it didn't live up to its potential. Nevertheless, I liked the ending and John Cussack's acting was good.

Rush Hour 2 would be complemented if I called it a "B-movie". There was no plot. None. The fight scenes were few and far between. Chris Tucker is annoying. The out-takes they showed during the credits are the best part of the movie.

The Corporation is a really compelling documentary about how corporations (which are legal "persons") would be diagnosed as psychopaths if they were real persons. Definitely a left-wing documentary [but isn't that the best kind? ;-)]. It featured people such as Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Milton Friedman (Nobel Prize winning economist), the CEO of Shell (I can't remember his name), the CEO of Interface (some carpet company that is trying to become environmentally sustainable; again I forget his name), and various other notable people.

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