Thursday, March 25, 2004

New Photos

I put up a few new photos...

Monday, March 22, 2004

Four Movies

On average, I'm 3 weeks behind in reading for my classes and there are less than 2 weeks left in term. However, instead of catching up on all that work, I watched a bunch of movies this weekend:

Bourne Identity is really great action movie. It is fast paced and a little suspenseful since you don't really know what is going on (Jason Bourne has amnesia, but seems to be some kind of spy/assassin and people that he can't remember are chasing him across Europe). One of the better movies I've seen in a long time.

Runaway Jury is a decent movie. Perhaps a little slow at times and I felt it didn't live up to its potential. Nevertheless, I liked the ending and John Cussack's acting was good.

Rush Hour 2 would be complemented if I called it a "B-movie". There was no plot. None. The fight scenes were few and far between. Chris Tucker is annoying. The out-takes they showed during the credits are the best part of the movie.

The Corporation is a really compelling documentary about how corporations (which are legal "persons") would be diagnosed as psychopaths if they were real persons. Definitely a left-wing documentary [but isn't that the best kind? ;-)]. It featured people such as Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Milton Friedman (Nobel Prize winning economist), the CEO of Shell (I can't remember his name), the CEO of Interface (some carpet company that is trying to become environmentally sustainable; again I forget his name), and various other notable people.

Thursday, March 18, 2004


I'm glad this week is (basically) over. It has seemed really long. Perhaps because I've been so busy. Four days of class, two days of night class, a BBQ at Daniel & Andrew's, going to Moose Winooski's with Arun and Martin, plus homework = a lot of stuff and a lot of driving around...Oh I forgot the Brian Kernighan lecture that was this afternoon (What Should an Educated Person Know about Computers?). I found it interesting and he is a pretty good speaker. Perhaps it wasn't totally educational though as it was just a summary of a class he teaches at Princeton to inform arts students about what computers are, how they work, how pervasive they are, what contemporary issues involve computers, etc. (Being a Computer Science major I know all that stuff). Nevertheless, it was entertaining. I think more people came today than for the Aho talk back in January too.

Just one more class tomorrow before the weekend. (I want to go see The Corporation at Princess Cinema...)

Monday, March 15, 2004

Kronborg Castle

When the school term is over I want to travel in Europe for 3-4 weeks. I haven't really planned much though. I want to go to England, France, Denmark, Germany, and maybe Scotland and Italy.

Kronborg Castle is one of the cool sounded places that I'd like to visit. It is 45 minutes north of Copenhagen or so, in Elsinore (Helsingør). The castle was build over 400 years ago ago to protect the sound between Denmark and Sweden (although there were fortifications at the site since the 1400s). Among the castle's claims to fame is that it is where Shakespeare's Hamlet takes place.

Friday, March 12, 2004

No More RPC

I just submitted the CS 454 assignment. 3788 lines of code plus a couple of documents about how wonderful it is. [Well hopefully the TA thinks its wonderful :-)]. That is the end of my computer programming assignments as an undergrad student...Wow...That is a very nice realization (as I'm tired of being sleep deprived while chasing down segmentation faults..). :-) Time to make plans for going out tonight.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

The return of f0(int, int) is: 15

Just under 32 hours to go...the middleware layer actually works now! Well it works for a procedure that adds 5 to 10 and gets 15. My to do list is down to 4 things plus testing (and fixing bugs...well hopefully not) and writing all the documentation. Not too bad. I think I'll take a break...

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Blood-Shot Eyes

Man, my distributed computing assignment is driving me crazy. It is due in about 46 hours and I still am not done coding (so I can't even test)...too many crazy errors and too many pieces...I'm almost done...have to write 3 more things before I can get the client and server talking, plus my to do list has 4 other things that I I need to write server-side skeletons and write a real client and server that I can use for testing...(and I haven't even thought about the write up that need to go with the RPC layer)...Procrastination is a bad thing.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Studying Sucks

The psychology midterm is tomorrow night and the cryptography midterm is Wednesday, so I'm coped up in my room cramming...It's not very fun. There are only so many multiple choice questions that one can do from the psychology study guide before going insane. I'm getting most of them right though, so I think I'll be okay. Plus, I just got an e-mail saying that the Network Flow assignment due date was extended to Friday (as the server that it was on has issues so people were having trouble downloading it). That's means I'll be able to get a reasonable amount of sleep Wednesday night. (My previous plan was to start it after my Wednesday night class...but every other week I've done that I've ended up sleep deprived).