Friday, April 23, 2004


I just signed up for a Gmail beta account. I'm not sure whether all end up using it or not. I like having a real e-mail program instead of a lame online account. 1 GB would be useful though. They didn't say how frequently you need to use it to avoid having your account terminated either.

My first impressions are that the interface seems a little confusing, their "contacts" page needs help (All it takes is name, e-mail, and comments. And it only sorts names by what you enter, so no sorting by last name, for example). Also, Google seems to subscribe to the base-10 mis-theory of numbers (which was invented by hard drive manufacturers to rip people off). So the 1 GB is really only "1 000 MB". (And if they continue the trend with 1 MB = 1000 KB, etc. then you end up getting only 931 MB under the correct system (base-2). Also, when you send an e-mail, it returns to the sent mail list, but you need to refresh the page before the e-mail you just send actually gets listed. It seems like a good start though.

Photos (Again)

I've added a few photos I took the past month. A couple from Waterloo start here and three from Easter start here.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

(It's Good) To Be Free

My last exam was this morning. So I'm FREE! Forever. Well not quite. But I'm done my undergraduate degree aside from showing up for convocation. (Assuming that I pass, but I think that's a given).

I haven't really done anything cool yet. Mostly just sleeping. (Between cramming, not being able to sleep, and having a 9 am exam, I only got a few hours of sleep last night). I started reading Daniel In Japan. It's an interesting write up about how his trip is going. But it is longer than my attention span right now. (That whole lack of sleep thing). I think I'll go watch the Leafs win. :-) Go Leafs go!

Wednesday, April 14, 2004


I have less than a week of school left now! The Psychology final is on Saturday and the Distributed Computing final is on Tuesday. Then I'm free. My plans are to go on a European for 3 weeks in May.

Rogers (my ISP) finally stopped blocking their customers from access the domain after working "as quickly as possible" over 3 weeks. [sarcasm]. So I can finally access the Astronomy Picture Of The Day again.

I've also heard that Amazon's search engine, A9 has launched. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks interesting.

Wednesday, April 07, 2004

2 Down 3 To Go

Cryptography and Nuclear Science are over with. I think both finals went okay. The next one is Network Flow on Monday, which seems a long way off. I think I'll slack off tomorrow instead of studying. I sacrificed too much sleep to cram for Nuclear Science, so I'll sleep in nice and late I think.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Flying Dog

I've added some photos from Thursday. They start here.